

ITC «UralAlmazInvest» projects are based on use of original Russian technologies and constructive decisions, which experts of the enterprise have created within last 15 years.

The services of the enterprise rendered on a commercial basis:

  • laser cutting and configuring of natural and synthetic diamonds;
  • precision crystallographicy orientations of diamond crystals and plates;
  • spectrophotometric analysis of crystals and plates;
  • drilling and cutting of apertures;
  • metallization desposition of contact and multilayered compositions.

«MiniTera» project: Russian supercomputer and diamond-based MCM's in newest supercomputers R&D

ITC «UralAlmazInvest» in cooperation with MiniTera Supercomputers Ltd. and Super Computing Systems Ltd. now works on newest Russian supercomputer project «MiniTera».

The prototype of machine with initial performance 10 GIPS was generated, the software is developed and the demonstration tests were performed. The technology is protected by the patents. There is an international patent application.

The most perspective solutions are incorporated in «MiniTera-MCM» project based on original multi-crystall modules (MCM), including 3D diamond-based MCM's.

Diamond-based gas sensitive sensors

R&D works are carried out in the field of advanced gas sensitive sensors.